About Us

 Youtheatre Players was founded in 1995 as Childrens Playtime Productions and has grown to reach over 10,000 children and adults each year with its programs and services.  Run by a volunteer Board of Directors (with the assistance of volunteer parents and friends of the organization), CPP is committed to its active mission that involves both education and community development through live theatre.  CPP knows that what we do does make a difference in the lives of our communities’ children. Many students that attend our performances have never seen a live show before.  Many who participate have never been in a production before.  Without CPP, they might not otherwise have the opportunity for growth, education and reward that can be uniquely experienced through live theatre.
     Like you, Childrens Playtime Productions (CPP) is committed to the healthy development and growth of the children in our communities.  We recognize that exposure to an Arts Curriculum can play an important role in developing a child’s creativity, self-expression and self-esteem, while supplementing learning in social sciences, literature, English, reading, and history, among other areas.  We also recognize that Arts programs cost money that many school budgets simply cannot encompass.  As a non-profit, CPP was formed to assist schools in this regards.  CPP’s programs have been developed and time-tested to supplement existing curricula while keeping costs to a minimum.  Inside, you will find out more about our organization and the many ways that we can all play together for the benefit of our children.
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Youth Served Overall
Main Stage Productions
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Youth Direct Participants
Touring Show Productions
Welcome to the Youtheatre Players Family

CPP vs YTP vs YTTS What's with the Acronym Soup?

Childrens Playtime Productions has always been about fostering the positive development and growth of our valley’s youth using the tools available through performing arts.  We are extraordinarily proud of the work we have done through CPP and it will remain our legal name and the name associated with our educational programs. 


As CPP has grown and developed we are aware that the talented youth of our valley just want to perform, perform, perform!  Just as actors may adopt a stage name, so too, CPP decided to adopt the name Youtheatre Players (YTP) as its “stage name” to apply to its new performance space in the Westfield Mall.  As a bonus, it offers participants a “less juvenile” way to identify their past accomplishments as they grow less-inclined to want to refer to themselves as “children”.  They are basically interchangeable except that officially (e.g., for check writing purposes) we are still Childrens Playtime Productions.


Youth Take the Stage (YTTS) came about, as well, from the realization that all youth want to perform their talents to as wide an audience as possible. This valley is blessed with a lot of opportunities for youth to learn and to hone and practice their skills and talents.  It is less blessed with opportunities for those talents to have the chance to be displayed to the public.  YTTS is a program of CPP that allows youth from any company or no company at all to have the chance to put audience-ready talent on display.  Since CPP will not take credit for the work of other companies, this stand-alone name was chosen.  

Our Mission

CPP’s MISSION is to provide quality theatrical and educational programs that enhance the development of the community and our youth.

Our Purpose

CPP’s PURPOSE is to enable youth to discover their creativity, self-expression, self-esteem, and to develop an awareness of the community and the world at large.

Our Goal

CPP’s GOAL is to fulfill our Mission and Purpose while keeping participation free, providing minimal or no-cost admissions for schools, creating opportunities for families to play together, and producing quality theatrical experiences.

Youtheatre Players can be reached at 760-303-1990 or by email  cppontheweb@aol.com